# A 7-steps framework to design a powerful Ad campaign. The 7-steps of this framework are: ### #1 Ideal client Ideal client is the one to whom you want to show your Ad campaign and he gets connected with you. You should identify your ideal client or potential customer as it will provide you a rapid growth. Define your ideal client based on his: Demographic, Psychographic, Ethnographic, Age Group, Income bracket, Marital Status, Gender, Socio-Economic Status, Education, Mindset (Urban or rural), Interest and hobbies, Lifestyle, Culture, Aspirations, Buyer or Bargainer For example: Brands like Adidas, Reebok, and Nike focus on customers who want to be physically fit. On the other hand, brands like Rolex, BMW, Louis Vuitton, and Armani focuses on customers who have aspirations. Gillette has several products like Atra, Sensor, Sensor Excel, Mach3, and Mach3 Turbo. Each of these products focuses on different types of customers. For identifying the ideal client, you should: 1. Look at your product from the customer’s point of view like: - Why customers buy your product? - What problems does the customer face in your product? - How will the customer satisfy from your product? - What improvements does the customer want in your product? 2. Define your ideal customer 3. Specific benefits that customer is seeking in your product 4. Location of your customer 5. Customer’s buying behaviour and pattern including: When he/she buys the product – season, month, day, or week? Does your customer buy on discounts, without discounts, or at early arrival? Which similar products customers buy? Which go-to-market strategy does your customer follow? Does your customer buy products online or offline? ### #2 Magnetic headline Different ways of making a magnetic headline: 1. The “List” Headlines - In such type of headlines, you give a list like 10 Types of Blog Posts, 10 Tips…, etc. 2. The “How to” Headlines - How to Become Rich? - How to Do Coding? - How to Manage Your Time? 3. “Resources” Headlines - Ultimate Guide to All Business Problems 13 Steps to instantly Boost your Revenue 4. “Question” Headlines - It helps in getting hooked up with customers. 5. “Extreme Emotion” Headlines - If you can add extreme emotions like anger, anxiety, fear, joy, lust, surprise, or shock, in your heading, then customers get attracted to it. 6. “Get what you want” Headlines When you add in your headline something that people want, then it becomes irresistible like: > Mangoes in Every Season 5 Ways to Make Money from Your Twitter Account 7. “The Best and the Worst” Headlines Sometimes, negative headlines also work like: - 30 Things You Should Not Share on Social Media - 5 Things You Never Do 8. Facts, Figures, and Statistics - 10 Corona Virus Facts - 10 Richest People in the World - 10 Most Expensive Cars in the World 9. Predictions and Trends During coronavirus time, people have generated lots of traffic on social media through predictions and trends on coronavirus. 10. Headline with “Numbers” If you have added some numbers in the headline, it will help in getting the attention of people like: - 7 Harmless Habits - How to Make Website in 3 Days? - 6 Quick Tips to Writing Titles 12. “Curiosity Generating” Headlines You can generate curiosity through your headlines by giving: Reasons, Secrets, Tips, Pointers, Facts, Tricks, Guide, Proof, Ways, and Signs 13. Headlines with “Trigger Words” Trigger words are Why, When, What, Where, and How. These words will help you in getting the attention of your customers. 14. Headlines with “a Promise” If you are giving a promise in your Ad campaign like a promise of weight loss or stretch marks removal, then you will get the attention of customers. 15. Headlines with “Solution” Try to give a solution in your headline. 16. Headlines with “Achievement” Talk about achievement in your headline. 17. Headlines with “Guarantee” Talk about some guarantee in your headline. Whenever you are making a magnetic headline, you need to make sure that it: - Solves a problem - Promises one quick win - Super specific - Quick to digest - High value - Instantly accessible - Unique value proposition ### #3 Reason Why - Feature - Outcome Highlight the outcome of the product. Do not tell about the product; tell about the outcome of the product. For example: 1. Smoker Test Pathology labs have implemented a new strategy, smoker screening test. If you sell different types of tests like Blood glucose, Iron study, Lipid profile, Kidney function, Lung test, etc. included in the smoker test, then the customer will not buy it. However, if you sell the test by saying that it is a test for smokers to check whether they are healthy or not, then people will buy it. So, you are selling the outcome or the end result and not the product. 2. Coronavirus Test If they sell the different types of tests to check coronavirus, then people may not have bought it. But, they ask to test your immunity to determine whether coronavirus can happen to you or not. This helps them to sell the test. So, you should highlight the outcome of your product in your Ad campaign. This will help in killing their questions or reasons like: It is costly. I don’t have a budget. Your competitor is giving at a lower price. You can quantify the outcome. ### #4 Unique Serving Proposition In your Ad campaign, give your unique serving proposition, i.e. what you are giving in your product that your competitor is not giving. This will help you to kill the competition. For example: UrbanClap says, “Professional service at your home.” So, this is their unique serving proposition that killed the competition. FedEx says, “Absolutely Positively Overnight Delivery.” Dominos Pizza says, “pizza delivery in 30 minutes.” Paperboat’s unique serving proposition is that it talks about childhood and its flavours and its innovative packaging. OLX’s unique serving proposition is to buy, sell, and find anything. So, you need to identify what is your unique serving proposition. ### #5 Guarantee The guarantee will bring confidence in your customers. You can give the following types of guarantees: Money-back guarantee – money back in one week, two days, three days, etc. Money-back with new product guarantee (if you are new) or Money-back with a product replacement guarantee Buy-back guarantee, i.e. if the customer didn’t like the product, then you will buy it back - Low-price guarantee - Free-service guarantee - 100% placement guarantee - Zero guarantee, if your product is very good So, you should include a guarantee in your Ad campaigns to give confidence to your customers. ### #6 Social proof Social proof means testimonial proof. In your Ad campaign, you can include testimonials as well. For example: Some of the Ad campaigns of Dove are run on social proofs only. In these Ad campaigns, women using Dove share their experiences, which are actually testimonials. Social proofs work a lot. If you praise yourself, people may not believe it. However, if others praise you, then people will trust you. Thus, for social proof, you can give a press release, awards, social share buttons, logos of your clients, success story, case, study, etc. in your Ad campaign. So, ask for testimonials from your clients and customers and include them in your Ad campaign. ### #7 Call to Action Call to action tells what your customer should do after watching your Ad. For example: Abki baar Modi Sarkar Mr. Kejriwal’s Ad campaign says, “5 saal Kejriwal” In the recent elections, the Ad campaign is, “Ache beete 5 saal; lage raho Kejriwal.” All these are call to action. So, in your Ad campaign, you need to mention what to do. In digital Ads, call to action can be Learn More, Click Now, Create New, Connect, Rate Now, Swipe Now, Visit Now, Click Here, Sign Up, Share Now, etc. So, you need to check which call to action will work for you. Call to action is a small word, which you should design and give a different colour. You can give your phone number, email address as the call to action. Call to action should be a commanding verb and it should be actionable like “Reserve Your Spot”, “Download”, etc. You can attach promotion and emotion with your call to action like “Buy Now and Get 50% Off”, “Plan your Dream Vacation Today”, etc. You can create urgency in your call to action like “Get Access Now”, “Avail Now”, “Limited Period Offer”, etc. You can mention the date when the offer is going to expire to create urgency. You can also minimise risk in the call to action like “Order Now Pay Later”, “Free Trial”, etc. For being creative in your call to action, instead of “Click Here for More Details”, you can use “Checkout Details at Your Fingertips”. Similarly, instead of “Fill the form to get started”, use “Your Healthy Life Starts Now.” If you add the above 7-steps in your Ad campaign, then the customer starts trusting you and you can generate more leads at less cost. ![[Design your Ad campaign .PNG]]