**Leadership is an influence of personal power that creates a progressively advancing community towards a common vision.** The given definition about Leadership has five components. These are: Personal Power, Influence, Progressive Advancement, Community and Common Vision. Let's understand all the components one-by-one in detail. ### **1) Personal Power** Leadership is ‘Personal’ power not ‘Positional’ power. If a leader is putting pressure on his followers to work, then his leadership will not sustain for a longer period of time. When the position of such leaders goes, people will not come back to them. So, become a leader with personal power and not positional power. ### **For Example:** Rahul Gandhi has positional power but Mahatma Gandhi had personal power. ### Personal power is all about personal effectiveness. It means how effective you are from within. In other words, how effective I am to control and lead myself. This is self-leadership. ### **2) Influence** ### Influence is the interpersonal effectiveness. It means how effective you are with others. In other words, how effectively you deal with others and lead them. Influence comes with personal power and not positional power. ### **3) Progressive Advancement** Progressive advancement is about organizational effectiveness, which means that your organization is advancing and progressing continuously. Progressive advancement is possible when processes are built to bring standardization in the organization. It means the organization and its processes should be ever-growing, ever-increasing, ever-expanding, and ever-improving. Here, an organization improves its quality in input as well as in output and it grows continuously. So, leadership does not depend on an incident, it is a continuous progression that grows with the community. ### **4) Community** Leadership is not about you and some of your followers. >**Leader is not the one who creates leaders; leader is the one who creates the leaders of leading leaders.** When a leader develops many leading leaders, then a community is built. Community includes vendors, suppliers, customers, stakeholders, and investors. ### **5) Common Purpose** All the above four points are connected with a common purpose. If your purpose is to make yourself stable, then people will work for you for a shorter period of time and then leave you. But, if you connect your goal with the goal of people working for you, then they will work with you throughout their life. So, develop a common purpose. You can build a community only with a common purpose. All the above mentioned 5 components are critical to become a great leader. One cannot become a successful leader even if one component is missed. [Action Plan](https://www.notion.so/fe5b30892dc242848c2890a3a2ca7ef8) | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---| |SL. No.|Question|Always|Sometimes|Never| |[1](https://www.notion.so/1-5de27a04cec7493a842bbc691a4c24c3)|I can calm myself even when I'm under stress|||| |[2](https://www.notion.so/2-52c15e80eed548549084870d4c4234f1)|I speak first, and think later|||| |[3](https://www.notion.so/3-58e4e47681624624a1c35058bc600128)|I make sure that I display the same standards of behavior that I expect from other people|||| |[4](https://www.notion.so/4-1c7a4dd15acb4e29840ac4a76bcdcbde)|During times of conflict I think about how to preserve the relationship and still get my needs met|||| |[5](https://www.notion.so/5-419cdcab4b3f41ac8af8c35f1d5fce4f)|When providing feedback, I wait until I've observed enough incidents of a behavior to make a generalized statement that is accurate|||| |[6](https://www.notion.so/6-64f692e2e0394f32960aee36bbbda655)|Before reflecting on formulating questions I wait until the speaker has finished|||| |[7](https://www.notion.so/7-c0df529283504408a0d387f3ce1a7ddf)|During conversations I encourage the speaker by saying “Go on ...” or “Tell me more”|||| |[8](https://www.notion.so/8-ba4c2d0c16aa442db19081d731cb7484)|I get surprised to find that people haven't understood what I've said|||| |[9](https://www.notion.so/9-f7440af188fe4e2183db6ca59e2e5331)|When conversing with someone, I put myself in his/her shoes|||| |[10](https://www.notion.so/10-b3e3d6de68ef4847b95067c2a56ff8af)|When people talk to me, I see my agenda first and then their perspective|||| |[11](https://www.notion.so/11-69a4f260903541e8a6fb272e60735b06)|I generally remember most of what was said during long conversations, a speech, a presentation or a meeting|||| |[12](https://www.notion.so/12-9dcbb7606fa946459b4400f0eb46db50)|I win over difficult people during difficult conversations|||| |[13](https://www.notion.so/13-16b6b74e7a2c4b86a14f671d88ce5bab)|I carefully consider views that are different from my own|||| |[14](https://www.notion.so/14-e5b5b1af9fb140d891f3eb504c481983)|Selling an idea to others is easy for me|||| |[15](https://www.notion.so/15-aa8d23a99e0a48b19251a58f5ff8808a)|I can tell when someone is nervous or upset, even if they say otherwise|||| |[16](https://www.notion.so/16-3872005a4af641f1b8aa61838db1bf92)|If a situation calls for it, I can appear calm even though I'm really not|||| |[17](https://www.notion.so/17-a5d8d6dc4f704418b638a942d4e4d9b0)|As the leader, when my team completes a project, I tend to attribute the success to the hard work and dedication of the team members, as opposed to my skilled leadership|||| |[18](https://www.notion.so/18-4fb7b6113e3e403f88f95afb6ce3bb01)|I give credit when credit is due and so not hesitate to criticize if necessary|||| |[19](https://www.notion.so/19-dbbb280a269d4db19211ac949f4ba566)|I allow my team to have a say in any decision that affects it|||| |[20](https://www.notion.so/20-d266b8bcc2654ceb830e06ffdb4bc894)|I encourage team members to come to me with any problems.|||| |[21](https://www.notion.so/21-2cb2f6d4abb6419aa3c1d3050d89866d)|I deliberately change my management style to suit changing situations.|||| |[22](https://www.notion.so/22-2e0c322cc52a4db897ae435fd43154b6)|I am tough on problems, but not on the individuals in my team|||| |[23](https://www.notion.so/23-88af487acdf94a58abfb48f35a6e70fb)|I plan team meetings well in advance and always provide an action agenda|||| |[24](https://www.notion.so/24-981efb5710124614b7f2e815e36335bd)|Whenever I have to reject a team member’s idea on how to solve a problem, I explain him/her with a reason|||| |[25](https://www.notion.so/25-7c9a10b91e43425cacb9b188af611a06)|I encourage team members to think in innovative ways||||