# How you can cultivate Key people/person in your company. # #1 How to automate your business? If you want to automate your business, you need to adopt the following activities: 1. Planning 2. Doing 3. Enabling 4. Monitoring 5. Controlling All the above activities are divided into the following stages: - Stage 1: In the initial days of business, entrepreneurs used to do the planning and executing themselves. It is the first stage of business. - Stage 2: In this stage, entrepreneurs hire people and enable them to work for you. You explain them how to do the work, you observe them working, and then, they start working themselves. - Stage 3: In this stage, entrepreneurs do monitoring and controlling. They monitor their employees and correct them wherever needed, which is called controlling. So, in the first stage, the entrepreneur does all the work. In the second stage, the team does all the work. In the third stage, the entrepreneur comes out of the system and monitors and controls the team. Before coming to the framework of Key people/person, you should understand monitoring and controlling. In monitoring and controlling, you need to make a different matrix to check that: Your employees are not increasing defective products The number of errors made by your employees is decreasing. For example: - To monitor a sales executive, you need to check: - How much sales he/she has done? - How much revenue he/she has generated? - How many new leads he/she has generated? - How many calls he/she is doing? - How many clients he/she visits? - How many active leads he/she has generated? - What is his/her customer handling time? - So, you need to make their work efficiency matrix. # #2 Framework for Cultivating Key people/person This framework contains the following sections: ### 1. Identify your Key people/person First, you should identify your Key people/person. Write down the name of your Key people/person. Your Key people/person is the one who has potential, performance, skill and will. If you have a small business, then write the name of one person who is important in your company. ### 2. Write down his/her 3/10 and 7/10 competency  You need to identify which competency of your Key people/person is 3/10 and which of his competency is 7/10. A 3/10 competency means a job that a person cannot do. For example: A person who works in data, i.e. makes excel sheets, MIS reports, reads financial statements, etc. is not able to do the sales. On the other hand, a salesperson cannot work on the data. So, you need to check which competency of your Key people/person is 3/10 and which is 7/10. For example: Mr. X doesn’t know cooking. So, his cooking skill will be 2/10 or 3/10. On the other hand, he is a renowned business trainer; so, his training skills will be 8/10 or 9/10. After identifying the 3/10 and 7/10 competencies of your Key people/person, you need to do the following: Do not give him any work that lies under the list of 3/10 competencies Give him work in which he/she is very good, i.e. the work lies under 7/10 competency list You cannot make everybody do every type of work. You need to allocate the work according to the strengths of a person. Once you know the strengths of a person, you should do the RAPP analysis. ### 3. RAPP (Recreation, Aspiration, Proficiency, and Problem) Analysis In the RAPP analysis, you determine the following things about your Key people/person: Recreation: It involves the things or tasks that your Key people/person likes to do. Aspiration: It includes where your Key people/person wants to reach. Proficiency: It involves what the expertise of your Key people/person is. Problem: It involves what your Key people/person doesn’t like to do. ### 4. Identify his/her Connector (NICE analysis) NICE analysis is the connector of your Key people/person. NICE analysis tells you what the needs, interests, concerns, and expectations of your Key people/person are. ### 5. Write down the sample script you will use to connect with him/her After identifying the 7/10 competencies of your Key people/person and conducting his RAPP and NICE analysis, you should determine on what points you are going to talk with him/her. For this, you should prepare a script of 5 lines. This sample script will include the following: Write down about his past achievement or whatever good thing he/she has done Write down his strengths  You need to prepare a script before talking to your V. You need to remember what achievements he/she has made in the last 1, 2, 3 or 5 years. Write down all these achievements in your sample script. ### 6. Co-create the role statement and goal statement You should discuss with your Key people/person that what will be his/her roles and goals now. You need to redesign his/her role statement and goal statement because they are going to change now. You need to make sure that these statements should be based on their strengths or competencies. If you make an employee work according to his/her competencies, then he/she will work 3-4 times than his original work. In this way, you can get 400% growth by getting the work of 4 people from 1 person. You need to make a matrix of the role and goal of the Key people/person for measuring his/her performance. ### 7. Write the time schedule for the next meeting You should write the date and time for the next meeting with your Key people/person. You can make a matrix for everything. For example: If you want to know the per-employee revenue from an HR person, you need to sit with him and derive a formula for this. Similarly, you can ask the HR person to tell you the cost per hire. For this, you can use the following formula: **Cost per hire = Total recruitment/Total number of new hires** From a senior person, you can also ask for the profit per employee, which can be calculated using the following formula: Profit per employee = Total business profit/Total number of employees You can also get the time sheet of employees using the following formula: Work efficiency = Total number of hours (say, 9 hrs) /Productive hours (say, 4.5 hrs) **Work efficiency = 50%** Thus, you can make a formula for anything and calculate productivity using formulas.