Steps to improve your customer experience and attract customers towards your product. # #1 Benefits of Customer Experience Satisfaction and happiness are the two factors that make the customer loyal towards a brand. A good customer experience helps in: - `Increasing customer loyalty:` If the customer is loyal towards you, he will purchase only your product. - `Increasing customer satisfaction:` If he is satisfied with your product, he won’t consider the competitors. - `Better marketing:` Whether it is the word of mouth or product reviews or recommendation, you will get only good reviews. # #2 Factors that attract the customers towards your brand ### Deliver what you promise If you have specified the features of your product to the customer and have also given the assurance of its delivery date, then you will have to ensure that the product is exactly the same and is delivered within the specified timeline. ### Ease of use When you are producing the product, you have to ensure that the customer is able to use it easily without any confusion. For example, while using the internet, you prefer Google Chrome over Internet Explorer because it is easy to understand and use and is also very beneficial. ### Price it correctly Your customer must get the maximum benefit especially when it comes to the price of your product ### Launch of the product While launching your product, there must be a command center that provides all the information related to the functions of the product like marketing, sales, operation, etc. so that all the things can be combined together. One command center will help you understand everything about all the functions. ### Improvisation Whether it is related to product design or implementation, if the customer will not use your product, you will not understand where improvement is required. Every product needs improvement as your product might attract the customer initially but after sometime, he may feel bored with it and that is why, to improve their experience, you will have to improvise your product. For example, you use various gadgets in a day like a mobile phone, laptop and TV because you feel bored with a single gadget and need multiple engagements. # #3 Strategies to improve customer experience ### Use artificial intelligence Use Chatbot as it is a very useful technology. Customer on your website or app can communicate with the Chatbot and can directly ask him questions as if he is talking to a human. These Chatbots are available 24 x 7 and can chat with unlimited customers at a time. Also, Chatbots give all the information related to the product to the customer, respond quickly, and enhances customer experience. ### Make customer satisfaction a top priority Ask for feedback: Ask your customers for both positive and negative feedback as working on feedbacks improve the customer experience. Deliver as promised: Whether it is the quality of the product or buying experience, you will have to fulfill the promise made to the customer. Complaint management and handling system: Your employees will have to understand the needs of the customers and will have to solve their problems at the earliest. For example, Zappos follows the family values of our Indian tradition and has implemented the same values in their customer care executives. Therefore, the executives talk to the customers very politely and respectfully. ### Focus on Metrics Some metrics are essential to know about the customer experience. These metrics are: - `Customer lifetime value:` Track the customer to know how much he is spending on your product since he started using it. - `Optimise website for all platforms:` Make a website that provides a good experience on both laptop and mobile phone. The page should load quickly and if the customer needs to find something on the website, he is able to search it. - `Evaluate the metrics:` When you wish to evaluate the customer experience, use these 4 points: - `Customer Effort Score (CES):` Identify how much time the customer took to find the desired product or to get this problem solved. Conduct a survey when the customer calls the customer agent and ask them to rate you on the scale of 1 to 7. - `Net Promoter Score (NPS):` This score helps to determine the customer loyalty. You need to ask your customer to rate you on the scale of 1 to 10 to know if they will recommend your product to their friends or relatives. - `Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT):` In this score, the satisfaction of customer is measured. Again ask the customers to rate you on the scale of 1 to 7 to know if they are satisfied with your product. - `Time to Resolution (TTR):` If you are not solving your customer’s problem and he gets frustrated, this crucial metric should be tracked. Lesser the TTR, more would be the chances of keeping your customers happy. ### Streamlined communication ##### One experience, unlimited channels The communication of your brand should be similar on all the touch points including your website, store, mobile, etc. ### Single centralised communication platform In this platform, you can design and manage information of your product at every stage. Also, you can track the personal touch experience that you wish to give to your customers through the central unit. When all the communication is taking place through a single track, the experience and communication would also be the same. ### Effortless and consistent content generation You can design your messaging to the point and as per the demand of your customer. Your customer is smart and therefore, do not try to hide the details as if he comes to know about things later, his trust will break. Keep the communication proactive throughout the journey of the customer. ### Guaranteeing security These days, every customer is concerned about the security of their personal details. Therefore, customers prefer to buy products of such brands or companies where they know that their details are safe and won’t be misused. If you can make your customers trust that their data is safe with you, they will surely buy your product and the trust will gradually leads to loyalty. ### Give a thrilling experience to the customers With so much competition in the market that everyone is providing same products and services at almost the same rate, the customer experience is the only thing that can help your business to have its own identity. Use technology for best customer experience. With technology you can create an engaging experience for the customer like 3D visualisation helps your customer to interact with the product and experience something different and also publicise it. For example, if you own a car showroom, you can keep 3D display screen. It will allow the customers to see all the features of the cars and can even change the colour of the car. Every showroom conducts test drive for the customers but offering a different 3D experience will attract more customers to you. ### Keep your employees happy If your employees are happy, they will do their work properly and also keep the customers happy. Reward them for good work: If any of your employees has performed well or has a good customer feedback, you must reward him. You can give him the tag of ‘Employee of the Month,’ send him an appreciation email or message, or give him a certificate. Understand the employee needs: Understand the problem of your employees and make them feel that the organisation is their own. This way, you will be able to form a positive culture in your company. ### Persoanlisation To offer a personal experience to the customers, you can send them personal messages, gift vouchers, or coupons especially when the customer is still completely not your loyal customer. A personal touch makes it easier to retain the customer. ### Build communities Your customers must feel proud in using your brand and therefore, it is important to form a brand community. With the help of social media, you can thank your regular customers or even send them a small gift as they really appreciate it and also become your brand ambassador.  Choose the strategies that are fit for your business to enhance your customer experience.