How you can use theatre skills to enhance and influence your personality development. This is very interesting and different from the other videos. William Shakespeare said, “All the world’s a stage and all the men and women are merely players.” For example, an actor has to take care of many things while he or she is on stage. He has to understand his own character and that of the others who are acting in the play, their feelings, and their personalities. He also has to understand others’ feelings and circumstances and take note of the live audience’s emotions when performing live as they watch the play; all this develops your personality. ## **KEY NOTE #1:** **WHAT DOES THE THEATRE INCLUDE?** - Drama - Sets - Characters - Rehearsals The essence of theatre is in the rehearsals and exercises that you do, which impacts every single aspect of your personality. If you can’t go to the theatre, then through this video we will bring to you the theatrical learnings, tips, and exercises through this personality development course. ## **KEY NOTE #2: THEATRE — SKILLS** #### **1. Oral Communication skills**: If you’re just using your voice to express your feelings to the viewers, then you will have to master your voice. Therefore, this: - Removes shyness and hesitation - Gives elevation & clarity to your voice: This will make your voice stronger and clearer. - Helps in communication: After some time, talking to all kinds of people will feel like a natural skill. #### **2. Creative Problem-Solving Skills** Many things happen on the stage at the same time: - Sets - Lights - Costumes - Rehearsals You have to manage all these different departments and resolve all problems between them. You develop problem-solving skills as you look for a solution. #### **3. Understand Other People’s personalities** This skill helps in blossoming your personality. At various stages, you meet and interact with different people as you work, party, and interact with them. You also understand the script and the interactions of the characters: How they react and respond in a situation. If you can understand people’s personalities in the first meeting itself, then imagine how easy it will be to work with others in your everyday life. #### **4. Striving for excellence** In theatre, you rehearse endlessly until the director decides you are perfect, so you have to strive for excellence. Then only will applause come your way from the audience. #### **5. Motivation & Commitment** Here you will learn that success doesn’t come so easy. You have to have lots of patience and put in a lot of hard work. The whole team has to work hard together. #### **6. Work in a diverse team** The best skill that theatre teaches you is how to work in a diverse team. A theatre production is composed of many different people. They have very different backgrounds and different experiences. The single thing they have in common is a passion for theatre. You will learn how to work in a team despite the differences in backgrounds and thoughts. #### **7. Expressive body language** To understand a character and portray the right emotions, you have the master the control and expression of your body. This you do through regular exercise which teaches you how to control your body. It helps you to understand your own emotions better and the way you express them. How you look when you are angry when you are happy, what are the movements of your hands or other body parts and your eyes as well. This is an important tool for Self-Awareness. _Being self-aware is not avoiding mistakes but to learn and correct them._ This leads to self-realization. #### **8. To Follow Rules & Regulations** Does discipline have to be followed otherwise how will people be motivated by your behaviour? How will they get the enthusiasm to work with you and to follow you? #### **9. Working Under Pressure** There is work pressure everywhere. Whether you are a student or in the corporate world. But in theatre, there is a different kind of work pressure altogether. The performance pressure is more here as your audience (like your customer) will accept or reject you immediately and right in front of you. Getting instant gratifications feels very good, but who likes to listen to their criticism? Therefore, all actors and crew work extra hard to put a superb show. #### **10. Theatre teaches empathy** Emotional Quotient increases your emotional quotient, especially towards other individuals. You understand other people’s feelings, words, and thoughts and empathize with them. This makes you a more pleasant company and people will seek you out. For example, a boss who understands all his employee’s feelings and problems will be much loved and appreciated by his employees. Such a boss is known to have a high EQ. This is your 10-point formula for success, which you can learn through practicing theatre and you can only learn them in this personality development course! ## **KEY NOTE #3: THEATRE EXERCISES** To develop the above skills within you, there are certain theatre exercises to do. They are a bit bizarre, but the learnings are very valuable and are explained here: #### **1. Man at the Bus Stop**: For example, in the theatre class, you are told to go to a bus stop and observe people waiting there. What kind of expressions are they giving? What do their clothes convey? What do their gestures show? Now, do real-time analysis and this exercise will help you to: - Improves Observation power - Improves imagination power #### **2.** **Status Exercise**: In this exercise, you imagine people from different social status react to one another in an incident or situation. How will they react? What will be their body language? Will they handle the situation with anger or patience? By doing this, you can really understand people’s moods and personalities, and in this way, you can put forward your own maneuvers in front of them. #### **3. Dominant Self**: You always take on the roles of different characters in your life. Sometimes, you are a businessman, an employee, a client, a customer, a kiosk owner, a shopkeeper. Then, you can observe in a particular situation, how do these people react. You will then understand the difference between yours and their personality. You can then be more aware of your weaknesses and correct them. For example, if you realise that you become angry about small insignificant things, then you can work on this aspect. #### **4.** **Free Dancing Exercise**: This is a very interesting and amazing exercise. In this task, you forget everything and just concentrate on the music. You dance to express your body freely and without any inhibitions to the accompaniment of music. _Dance is the hidden language of the soul._ When you dance, you dance from your inner feelings which manifest outwards. Over here, steps, dancing properly, dancing in rhythm, and catching the beat is not necessary. Just feel the music openly and your footsteps will move automatically. By doing this, your body language will become even more free. #### **5. The Machine of emotions**: - Happiness - Sadness - Anger - Jealousy In the last few months, recall how many times and when you felt these emotions and in which situations they were generated. Through this, you will come to know what exactly causes certain emotional reactions in you. You can make a note of these reactions and do logical analysis. You can then control these reactions, especially if they are causing problems to others and improve your relationships. This is very necessary. #### **6. The Interview**: You can do this with a friend. Make him the candidate first of all and then ask him some personal questions. The questions should be a bit difficult so that he has to think or hesitate before answering. Then, switch over to become the candidate yourself. This has two uses: - Helps in understanding other people’s perspective - Helps in delivering uncomfortable talks So, if there is anything that was stopping you from opening up, doing this exercise may open up your personality. #### **7. Non-Stop**: This will help change your ability and talent to think and speak fast. Pick up any topic and then speak non-stop about it for the next three to five minutes. Don’t stop anywhere and don’t take any long pauses while speaking. This also helps in: - Improves verbal communication - Improves improvisation skills #### **8.** **Games**: There are many more games using puzzle words in which you cannot speak and have to use sign language or body language to act out any English phrase or idiom or movie name. After that, your teammate will have to make a guess about the word you are expressing. By doing this, you will increase your mind-body coordination. In conclusion, theatre can take you in the right direction in real life and enhance your personality a lot. It can help you in any work you will do. You must understand which aspects of life you can apply these theatre skills. Rabindranath Tagore said, “Literature, music, and art forms are important for your development and improvement.”