## **PERSONALITY SWOT ANALYSIS** This is a technique to know about your personality is: - **Strengths:** You should build your strengths. - **Weakness:** You need to work upon your weakness. - **Opportunities:** Opportunity is a chance to improve your personality. - **Threats:** You need to take care of threats. In simple words, SWOT is an analysis of your present situation that helps you to identify things that will help in your development & taking your career decisions. ## **BENEFITS OF SWOT ANALYSIS** The following are the benefits of SWOT analysis in your personal growth & development: #### **1. Improves self-awareness:** When you ask your self-questions & find answers, it will improve your self-awareness. It will improve your ability. You will get more clarity about your feelings & thinking. #### **2. Provides strong personal feedback:** Feedback is critical not only for businesses but also for all of us who want to move forward in life. You come to know about your mistakes and required improvement. You ensure not to repeat these mistakes in the future. #### **3. Keeps you on track:** Life is about ups-downs & sometimes unexpected things also happen in your life. This is the right time for your personal growth. It you do SWOT analysis from time to time, it keeps you on track of your goals. #### **4. Easy to do:** You can do a SWOT analysis easily. You don’t need training. Also, you will get many benefits. So, you can analyse your personal & professional aspects through the SWOT analysis tool. ## **SWOT FOR PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT** You can make a box & divide this box into 4 columns or headers that cover your strengths, weakness, opportunity & threats. This can be explained as follows: #### **1. Strengths:** Write “strengths” in the header of the first box. These are your strong points & you have to build them. Make them more strong. Ask yourself cover the following points about yourself to know your strengths: - Have you done any specific professional course/degree that shows you are different? - Are you an expert on a special vertical such as finance? - Have to work on big projects? - Do you have a good industry network? - Do you have some finest soft skills such as fine dressing sense, communication skills, or the team management? **Important tip:** Your strengths should show that you are different from others. #### **2. Weakness:** These are the weak points that you should improve. This is the least interesting part of this matrix but this is most beneficial also because you will do self-improvement. You have to cover your weak points such as: - Low confidence - Weak skills such as negotiation, SEO, SCM, marketing, etc - Weak skills of personal development such as leadership, decision making, short-tempered, public speaking, etc **Important tip:** Be honest to yourself & write the truth. If you write a lie you will never get improvement. Although no one likes writing their weak points if you want to achieve success, you have to do it. #### **3. Opportunities:** Opportunities are the chances that can approach you anywhere in life. You should have the ability to identify opportunities & notice them to take benefit out of them. You can write the following point in your opportunity box: - Industrial changes - Changes in your company where you can lead or contribute - Technology that you can learn & use for your company - Vacant position in your company where you can fit - Acquiring new skills that give you a chance to get better than your colleagues. ( For example, in Airline industry knowledge of different languages apart from your own language it will be an added advantage for you.) **Important tip:** If an opportunity matches your strengths, it is good for you. But when you get some unexpected opportunities, don’t ignore them instead look them from a different perspective. #### **4. Threats:** Threats can become a hurdle in the journey of your development. They are mostly external & you need to think about them. Write the following things about threats: - Is your colleague performing better than you for the same job role? - Is new technology that is introduced in the company creating a problem for your career? - Is your personal situation affecting your professional work? **Important tip:** Identify the threats & try to solve them immediately if you can. ## **MANDATORY SITUATIONS FOR SWOT ANALYSIS** You should do SWOT analysis from time to time, but there are some situations where personality SWOT is mandatory for you. Although you should do SWOT analysis time to time, but you should know situations where you have to highlight some points or you need not to disclose some points. These situations are discussed as follows: #### **1. Job interview:** During your interview, you should focus on strengths only. Understand the job role & modify your cv/resume accordingly. Highlight your strengths in your cv & interview. #### **2.Promotion in the company:** When you are getting a chance of promotion in your company but there is a choice between you & your colleague, show your strengths that are better than him. Do not focus on general strengths & try to remain pointed. #### **3. Switching career:** When you switch career you should know skills that will help you for a new job. For example, when Mrs. X made her SWOT analysis. Her strengths such as content, communication & presentation made her believe that she can join Y Business. Finally, you should identify your USP (unique selling point) through your personality SWOT analysis. Rest you can work on other things. So you should identify your USP & apart from that: - ==**Be yourself**== (Make a list of what is different in you such as experience, skills & knowledge. Also think how this will help the organisation.) - ==**Highlight your value**== ( ROI of your value addition in your company) - ==**Show some personality**== (develop & show your personality in such a manner that creates an impression on others) - ==**Learn introspection**== (Understand your thought process, body language & emotions. It is like a compass that gives you a direction towards your improvement) Do your personality SWOT & identify your USP. Identify the weakness you should work upon.