# How you can manage your content to build social media presence? Social media helps in making your brand famous and making your followers your fans and loyal customers. All this is possible only if you build a solid social media content and strategy. In social media, Likes, Followers, and Comments are necessary but business outcomes and sales are more important. But, if the content lead strategy is effectively used with social media, then only you would be able to measure your social media results. The following are the 7 steps that will help you to build a content management system to use social media effectively: ### #1 Set your Goal Clarity of goal is very necessary that is what outcome you are expecting from social media. The more specific you are, the more specific strategy system you can build. For example: If your goal is to generate sales from social media, then your strategy should be to post content that attracts users towards your landing page. Similarly, if your goal is brand awareness, then your post and content should be directed such that maximum people come to know about your brand. ### #2 Build Social Media Content Creation Fund It has two parts: #### 1. Understand your audience For this, you have to identify your target audience. In social media, it is a little wide category of audience. So, you need to understand your audience of social media. Pay attention to your audience's profile, likes, dislikes, and interests. You need to identify what type of content your audience likes. To very much extent by this, your social media content management will be on point and efficient. You can do this by using Google Analytics or use tools that are designed for various platforms. Tools like social bakers analyses and integrate multiple data sources for you. #### 2. Direct content strategy based on the likeness of your users Gradually, as your followers increase, you will be required to produce content in more volume and that too with a very fast frequency. For this, you make a content workflow and define the roles of the social media team very clearly. For example: ==Content manager –== He will decide the social management strategy, give direction, and set an editorial calendar that you can also set on Google. By doing this, all will be in the knowledge like the framework of your topic will be decided, which content is to be posted, when the content will be posted, etc. ==Content creators –== They will make relevant content, ideas, blogs, posts, animations, videos, and graphics which will be posted on different social media platforms. You will also be required to give the responsibility for checking, reviewing, and approving to someone because you don’t want that anything posted on social media makes your followers disinterested. Now, you have made an ecosystem for content creation. ### #3 Social Media Listening This will help you in boosting your content so that it can reach the maximum audience. #### Boost your Brand: There is a very famous jingle “Boost is the secret of my energy.” Likewise, smart content management is the secret of boosting your brand on social media. Tap on the topics trending in the market and liked by your audience. Think about them and create content on them. #### Social media analytics: You should identify what your competitors are posting, which strategy is working for them, etc. and with a little twist integrate the same in your brand. #### Audience Analysis: Since, you have understood your audience persona, see what content and which format your followers are positively responding to, what type of posts they reshare, and which type of posts they like and comment on. #### Content Inspiration: You can use a tool called revive an old post. This is a tool that automatically shares your old posts on social media. By this, users can discover your popular content. Develop a detailed understanding of your social media performance like what is your overall engagement per 1000 fans, how many is the number of interactions, how many numbers of fans posts you have, etc. Few tools that will help you in analysing all this are: ==BuzzSumo -== It can develop popular new web content for you. ==Tagboard -== It is a listening tool that helps in research on social media content. ==Animoto -== This can help in making videos. By aligning CMS (Customer Management Software) with a social media account, you can publish your content on platforms with just one click only. This saves your time and your brand identity remains the same on all the social handles. But for this, you have to be sure that your CMS is integrated with Social Capabilities. #### #4 How much content to be created? Many people ask that to make our product or brand reachable to customers how many posts should be done. Although the answer is simple, the more the content, the more is the engagement. But, I would like to answer the other way. Check which content works on which social media handle and after that, the frequency of posting is in your hands and it is as many times as you want. ##### Facebook Facebook is an engagement platform. You have to keep continuous engagement on your FB page. For this, you have to post frequently and that too mostly videos. If you post videos on Facebook, then there is 5 times more engagement. ##### Instagram On Instagram, you can put 1-2 posts in a day. Your followers will see something new every day and get something new to share every day. On Instagram, you get more engagement through photos. More than 23% of photos are shared than videos on Instagram. ##### Twitter Talking about Twitter, you can put multiple tweets which can be about your achievements, your company, topics related to your industry, etc. You can also give your opinions, views, and videos on innovation in your company and marketing. It would be good if you post your photos along with your tweets because surveys say that 140% -165% more likes are received on tweets having attached photos. Now, you got to know on what medium what works and how much should be the frequency. ### #5 Conducting Social Media Audits Like you conduct an audit for your finance and see what is the ROI of the investment. Likewise, audit in social media is also necessary. It will be good if you do this monthly because social media is so dynamic and many new things come on it, so, you should know monthly that your strategy is working or not. Many tools are available for social media audit, which are discussed earlier, and also have features of content creation. If you don’t want to use any tool, then Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn business have their own page analytics, which you can use. The audit should be directly aligned with the content goals. If your goal is brand awareness, then you check your follower counts. Check different platforms and on which posts you are getting followers. By this, you can analyse what type of post will give you success for exposing your brand in front of new customers. An audit has some critical benefits like: - You get to know the effectiveness of your strategy. - You get clarity about whether the resources are utilized or wasted. - You get clarity on which social media channel is suiting your brand. - You get to know the number of leads generating from social media. Critically, you get to know from social media that whether your strategy is working or not and in which direction you can align it. ### #6 Promote and Distribute your Content In the Content Management System, only managing the content and analysing it will not help you to achieve your goals. Distribution and promotion of content are also necessary. Planning and publishing strategies is a very small percent of your social media strategy. Active distribution is also an important pillar so that multiple people can see it. If you are very much active on social media, then generate content and include the share tab in it so that followers can share it in their networks. You may keep a question and answer session wherein you can encourage people to share their answers. The point is that how many people are sharing the content is proof of whether your strategy is working or not. Social media tools like Sprout Social, Socialbakers, Hootsuite, Buffer, SocialPilot, E -clincher, and Egger help in making and scheduling your analytics easy and helping in content distribution. You can utilise hashtags on Twitter and Instagram. Hashtag is a very important and amazing way to reach more people. Not only to people, who follow you but also to people who have an interest in the topic you have posted. So, promote and distribute your content using hashtags. ### #7 How to manage customer service on social media? We all know the entire business is standing and dependent on customers. Therefore, efficient and excellent customer service is also important for social media to retain and engage customers. Remember, it may have a direct impact on your revenue also. Social media is key to acquire and retain a loyal audience. ==How will you do this?== `For this, you need to:` Make a list of social platforms where customers give maximum comments and feedbacks. Ask the social media team to track those comments and feedback. Based on the query, give a satisfactory reply to the customer. If you think that the customer should talk to some officials, then help them and direct them with some helpline, email, or phone number. By this, customers will feel that their opinion matters and you are genuinely interested in implementing their feedback in your business strategy. If you implement these 7 tips in your content management system, then you will be able to achieve the following three critical goals: 1. Awareness: - How many people saw your content? - To how many people the content has actually reached (i.e. the impression)? 2. Engagement: - How many comments, likes, reactions, and clicks you receive on posts? - How much your content is shared? 3. ROI: - How are the conversions? - How referrals from external sources came? - Did those conversions have transformed into leads? These 7 tips can change your social media strategy and process. To do so, you should: - Check which of the 7 tips you can implement and in which strategy you can do modifications. - Always try to use social media tools.