How can you improve the process and performance of your company? - Do you want to improve the process and performance of your company? - Do you want to convert a loss-making company to a profit-making company? - Do you want to expand the speed and scale of your company? # **7-Step Framework to Turnaround your Company** The steps are discussed as follows: ### 1. Write down your goal statement - Convert your dream into a goal statement - Make a goal statement of 1-6 months only - More effective in short-term than in long-term - Write what you will do and by when in your goal statement. You can make goal statement for your company, department, or an employee. In these goal statements you will write: - Company – “What I will do by when” - Department – “What department will do by when” - Employee – “What he/she will do by when” I see people wasting a quarter of their lifetime in only thinking about their dreams. But, they don’t take important decisions. People have some settling points in their life and they don’t take decisions. > **Don’t Define Your Limits** > **You’ve got Limitless Limits.** ### **2. Potential Difficulty** Why you are never able to achieve the goal you have written in the step 1? This is because of the difficulties you think you will face in achieving this goal. Now, you have to write all those possible difficulties in this step 2 of the framework. ### **3. Potential Possibility** - Every difficulty has a possibility. - In front of the difficulties you have mentioned in step 2, write the possibility of every difficulty very clearly. These will be the specific solutions of your every difficulty. ### **4. Success Ritual (Converting the Possibility in a Ritual or Rule)** - Once you identified the possibilities, you need to make them rituals or rules. These rituals save you from losing the direction towards your goal due to mood swings. - When you tell the rituals to your employees and they have to follow it, then people will follow it. - You should convert every possibility to a ritual. **For example:** - **If** the possibility is that you will exercise in the morning, then the ritual will be, “[6 am to 7 am](x-apple-data-detectors://0) is the exercise time.” ### **5. Measure the Success (here, ritual and result of ritual is measured)** - Measure each of your rituals. - Success ritual is your effort score and Measure the success is your result score. **For example:** If you have a sales team, then “how many calls the sales team will do in a day?” is the ritual while “how many minutes they have talked in a day?” is the measures of success. You can give an expected effort score and result score to your team member. ### **6. Review Step 4 and 5**  Review the effort score and result score. For example: Let us review the effort score and result score of sales employees: | | | | |---|---|---| |**Effort Score**| | | |**Expected Score (No. of calls he needs to do)**|**Actual Score**|**Review**| |50 calls per day|40 calls per day|80% Achieved| |50 calls per day|60 calls per day|120% Achieved| |**Result Score**| | | |**Expected Score (Amount of revenue he needs to generate)**|**Actual Score**|**Review**| |Rs. 1 lakh|Rs. 80,000|80% Achieved| |Rs. 1 lakh|Rs. 1,20,000|120% Achieved| You can also review the effort score and result score of an employee on a scale of 1-10. Based on this review, start making the MIS reports of your company. If you have the data of effort and result score of your every employee, then you know which employee should be rewarded, recognized, and get increment.  Similarly, this data will also help you to know which of your product is performing well and in which territory or geography, your business is growing. You need to do this review every week. If you don’t look at the review sheet daily, then you will not able to know in which direction your team is moving and if the team is moving wrong direction, then you will not get the desired output. ### **7. Improvement cycle (Action Plan)** - You need to review on every Monday. - In this review, you need to determine 3 things – what went well, what went wrong, and what could be improved. - “What went well” and “what went wrong” is about previous week and “what could be improved” will be about the next week [from Monday to Saturday](x-apple-data-detectors://2). - You need to: - Repeat – what went well in the previous week. - Improve – what went wrong in the previous week. This improvement cycle will help you to improve your company and within 3-6 months, your organisation will reach to the next level. You can start the review with the revenue-linked departments, i.e. the departments from where you get money and then you can move to the supporting departments. You need to first think from where you can earn money and then, think of reducing the cost. You can also think of making money and reducing cost simultaneously if you are a small company. So, you should build more revenue streams and use this framework where you can increase more revenue streams. After implementing this framework, the changes that will come in your company are due to the “what could be improved” part of the improvement cycle. You will be able to establish “what could be improved” week-after-week by sitting with your team and discussing it with them. It is called PDCA (Plan, Do, Check and Act). PDCA means: - **Plan:** You need to plan the improvements - **Do:** Implement the improvements. - **Check:** You need to check whether it is implemented successfully. - **Act:** You need to improve it further. # **How to bring improvements using the 7-step framework?**  You need to implement the framework every Monday department-wise. You can give 30 minutes to 2 hours for the implementation of the framework in one department. In the framework, when you reach the “what could be improved” part, then you may have to go back at step 4, i.e. success rituals because you may have to make new rituals for the new improvements required. **For example:** - For losing weight, you made a ritual that you will eat only salads and soups, but after one week there is no change in your weight. - So, you have checked where you are making mistake, then you found that you were using more butter in soups and more cream and mayonnaise in salads, which was increasing your calorie intake. - Thus, you have changed your possibility and the ritual. Even when if you are not getting the desired results, then check have you chosen the correct difficulty and possibility.  Therefore, “what could be improved” helps you in improving your results by identifying the issues in the different steps of the framework and bringing the required changes in all of its steps.  **For example:** - If you are not able to increase revenue even after implementing the framework successfully, then you go to step 2 – possible difficulty to determine why the revenue is not increasing. - You found that team is taking meetings and calls and they are working hard for [10-10.30](x-apple-data-detectors://4)hours per day. Even after that revenue is not increasing. - After analysing, you found that the quality of conversion of the team is not good because they didn’t get the proper training. So, the difficulty is that you are not able to provide training. - You write the possibility of this difficulty that you will do training at least for 1 hour every day, which will be the success ritual. During the training, you will watch informative videos on YouTube in the morning with your team. - After that, you have measured the success of your team by taking their tests. You can check whether the team performance has improved by reviewing their work. - After one week, you go to the improvement cycle to check whether the revenue has increased. But, you find that the revenue is still not increased. - You again identified the difficulty and the difficulty is that they are entering fake data. So, here, the actual issue is the issue of will.   - To solve this issue, you need to make motivational videos for them, correct their incentive issues, and check whether the behaviour of their manager is fine with the team or not. If the manager has behavioural issues, then you need to train the manager. Thus, this framework will help you to increase your speed, scale, process and performance, and convert a loss-making company to a profit-making company.