Running is great fitness exercise includes minimal cost, but it is intense and high impact exercise, all it needs it running shoes and gadget as watch, headset, foot pods if required. 1. At first run with comfort as initial hard run will make new runners quit 2. Get good shoes as it make you run more comfortable intact check with podiatrist as not all runners are same. 3. Warmup is key to prevent injuries (ex: deadlifts, donkey kicks, lunges, etc) and do cool down 4. Keep your self relaxed from shoulders, arms and neck to avoid stress and tiredness. 5. Breath control is essential as rhythmic breath gives better control over lungs and body through oxygen supply and make sure you do belly breathing than chest this can be achieved through conscious approach. Best way to find out easy phase is through talking while running, doesn’t matter if you breath through nose or mouth but i prefers through nose for distance as runner. 6. Looking straight forward will avoid stress on body as looking down will stress back. 7. Move you arms (refer run technique) as pushing elbow back will make you run more efficiently, I do agree most Japanese runners run swinging elbows but this works for most worlds population. 8. Do not stiff fist as this method is not good for long run or workout or Raceday as it will sweat faster and break down. 9. Don't let your hands cross the midline of your torso, or you'll create a twisting motion. This could cause cramps. 10. Let’s hit ground 180 times per minute by feel or foot pod and the truck is to maximise time of feet hitting ground by taking small strides and landing below body not ahead. - Note; running hard will cause injury as shin splints. - Run on soft ground as grass rather than pavement 11. Control in feet as landing under body is correct for long run unless sprinting one will try to run by landing ahead of body which is ok for short run but for long or endurance run it is practice to land in heel rather than toes for better run. 12. If one is doing endurance run then jog than run as trick is at initial stage don’t lean forward on heaps. 13. And once complete run try to cool down by ruining slow and jogging and walk before complete run. 14. And in end after run stretch muscles as calves, glutes, and hamstrings ad it needs to be ready for next run. ## Race day run As race is special and every one is at to prove there personal best the step to do it is through - Warmup, by deadlifts through lungs and not through stretches by walking and jogging. - At race run fast and use interval run method as run fast for approx 30 sec and slow for 90sec and repeat process as this is the most proven technique from elite runners. - Run with max effort on race day which includes using all running technique as arms and legs by leaning body forward and not hunching back. - Lean upper body forward will make run faster and don’t loosen up your shoulders and keep your arms in ruthenium moving back to body, this will be the right key. - Don’t forget to slow down and cool body when felt pain or stress as this is key for next race sprint. - Take dehydration as water if required as that avoids cramps and to be sure salt products are good to avoid cramps. As result dizziness and faint are caused by dehydration. - After race stretch out and splints and muscles as that avoids muscles cramp and shin splints. Trick is to bring down heart rate normal in cooling phase. ## Endurance run - First comes first that is running shoes as cosy and comfort fit shoes helps to avoid run injuries and avoids distractions in the mid of run. And when shoes gets stiff and hurts then it’s time to replace shoes as normal shoe life varies between 400 to 800 miles. - Not for long run carbs are important as protein and fat are hard to burn so for such runs carbs are phenomena where carbs and sugar are go to for long runs. - Know your limit, as energy management is important to avoid any loss, so run run slow to .8 of efficiency factor and ramp high, this what one know from training. - Fatigue and tiredness distracts from goal so focus on precious race and keep motivated on existing goals. - Hydration is important as normally most races got drink stations located at certain intervals, and so refilling drinks will refuel and supports in long runs. - And don’t forget to cool down in end as heart is major muscle and heart to it’s normal state will reduce injuries. ## For successful life time runner - Eating habit will make you feel run faster as vegetarians or Vegas are far more healthier than non vegetarians and avoid diaries as low saturate fat and meat with wheat and natural grains will through in makes diet stronger. - Want to loose weight then strength training should make it work. ## Running philosophy The heart of the runner is a superior and more efficient organ. – Cardiologist Dr. J. Wolffee, MD The theory revolves around the lung-heart system and leg muscles based on training effects, and the study of body adaptation to be fitter every day.  The positive training effects of running by Hans & Ron: Leg muscles become stronger as; - Running increases energy cells known as mitochondria - Running increases muscle fibres size and numbers - Running increases capillaries numbers and blood flow through them - Running increases ATP and glycogen stock - Running increases enzymes activities by improving the breakdown of glycogen and fatty acids. Training improves speed and endurance by modifying FT (fast-twitch) muscles to ST (slow-twitch) muscles, which is achieved through consistency in a run. As we experience training damages some muscles as result, we get stress and pain but muscles recover in time with consistent training providing enough recovery in mid, will however strengthen muscles and builds performance. #### Heart - Running increases the number of heart muscle fibres - Running increases the number of capillaries and the blood flow through capillaries especially in heart chambers A regular runner at training uses twice the HR (heart-rate) volume compared to a normal person, which creates a large capacity in the lung-heart system which results in lower HR at rest compared to a pen sports person. ## TYPES OF RUN 1. LONG - this is longest run one can run to build endurance. This is good fat burner. 2. HILL REPEATS - this running on inclination to build strong legs and lungs. 3. PROGRESSION - this run style starts with pace increase from low to high uniformly, this strengthens mind and helps to increase pace. 4. FARTLEK - this run is mix of sprint and rest in intervals (ex: 90s run and 30s rest) this build good Vo2 level and makes run faster. 5. RECOVERY - this running is performed after long runs or after extreme runs to give body recovery by running slow and very comfortable pace keeping run short. 6. BASE - this is smooth run with optimal heart rate to keep running in comfortably. 7. TEMPO - this run is slower than race pace by 20% at least and maintain for long duration to build lactic acid, this increases thresh-hold. 8. SPRINT - this run consists short distance but running faster than normal pace with multiple intervals. This makes run stronger and longer. 9. INTERVAL - this run consists on slow, moderate and fast runs (ex: run fast for 90sec and jog for 3min and keep doing at different intervals varying speed and effort). This run burns high calories and increase run efficiency.