## Outline 1. The Death of Ahaziah (1:1–18) 2. Elisha and Israel (2:1–10:36) 1. Elijah gives way to Elisha (2:1–25) 2. Elisha and the conquest of Moab (3:1–27) 3. Elisha’s miracles (4:1–44) 4. A Syrian is healed (5:1–27) 5. Elisha and Syria (6:1–23) 6. The siege of Samaria (6:24–7:20) 7. The Shunammite’s land restored (8:1–6) 8. Hazael murders Ben-hadad (8:7–15) 9. Jehoram and Ahaziah (8:16–29) 10. The end of Ahab’s house (9:1–10:17) 11. Jehu destroys Baal worship (10:18–36) 3. Joash (11:1–12:21) 4. Jehoahaz and Jehoash (13:1–25) 5. Amaziah, Jeroboam II, and Azariah (14:1–15:7) 6. Israel’s Last Days (15:8–31) 7. Jotham and Ahaz (15:32–16:20) 8. The End of Israel (17:1–41) 9. Hezekiah (18:1–20:21) 10. Manasseh and Amon (21:1–26) 11. Josiah (22:1–23:30) 12. The End of Judah (23:31–25:30)