# What is the Project Lifecycle?
The project lifecycle is a collection of sequential project phases whose name and number are determined by the control needs of an organisation or the organisations involved in a project.
# What is the Project Deliverable?
A project deliverable is any measurable, tangible verifiable outcome, result or item that must be produced to complete a project or part of a project.
# Project Phase Deliverables
![[Pasted image 20240623234404.png]]
Starting the Project
>‘The Idea’
This phase can be defined by the following key elements:
1. Purpose
- Define Project Goals
- Appoint Project Manager
2. Actions
- Prepare the Project Proposal
- Obtain approval for the Project Proposal
- Draft the Project Charter
- Obtain approval for the Project Charter
3. Deliverables
- Project Proposal
- Project Charter
## Organising and Preparing
>‘Planning the Project’
This phase can be defined by the following key elements:
1. Purpose
- Development of a solution to the problem
2. Actions
- Appoint the Project Team
- Prepare the Project Plan
- Obtain approval to proceed
3. Deliverables
- Project Plan
- Financial approval to proceed with the work
## Carrying out the Project Work
>‘Doing the Project’
This phase can be defined by the following key elements:
1. Purpose
- Perform the actual work
2. Actions
- Contract formation + sign contracts
- Monitor and control activities
- Effective communications
- Effective reporting
- Effective consultation
3. Deliverables
- Progressive completion of the works
- Practical completion of the project
## Closing the Project
This phase can be defined by the following key elements:
1. Purpose
- Hand over the project to the client
- Close the project
2. Actions
- Conduct close out (finalise contracts and handover project
- Formal closure of the project (celebrate success)
- Post implementation review (evaluate project, processes and outcomes and document results)
3. Deliverables
- Post implementation review
- Documentation and reports
## Project Lifecycle Characteristics
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![[Pasted image 20240623235528.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240623235545.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240623235559.png]]
## Typical Sequence of Phases in a Project Life Cycle
![[Pasted image 20240623235626.png]]