The relationship between Christ and the church is described by Paul as a profound mystery (5:32)—a hidden plan of God now revealed and fulfilled in Christ Jesus. | | Ephesians | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------- | | Christ is the head of the church | 1:22–23; 4:15; 5:23 | | Christ is the cornerstone of the church | 2:20 | | Christ is the Savior and sanctifier of the church | 5:23, 26–27 | | Christ gives the church ministry workers | 4:11–16 | | Christ loved and sacrificed himself for the church | 5:25 | | Christ nourishes and cherishes the church | 5:29 | | the church and her members dwell and grow in Christ | 2:21–22; 4:15 | | the church is a means through which God manifests his manifold wisdom | 3:10 | | the church submits to Christ | 5:24 | | the church is Christ’s body, and individual believers are members of his body | 1:22–23; 3:6; 4:4, 16; 5:23, 30 |