| 1406 [or 1220] b.c. | Moses’ death; Israel’s entry into Canaan under Joshua [See The Date of the Exodus] |
| ------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 1375 [or 1210] | Joshua’s death |
| 1375–1055 [or 1210–1050/42/30] | Period of the judges |
| 1050/42/30–1010 | Saul’s reign |
| 1010–971 | David’s reign |
| 971–931 | Solomon’s reign |
| 931–722 | Divided kingdom (Israel)—19 kings |
| 722 | Destruction of Samaria (Israel’s capital) by Assyria; Israel’s resettlement |
| 931–586 | Divided kingdom (Judah)—19 kings, 1 queen |
| 586 | Destruction of Jerusalem and temple by Babylon; Judah exiled to Babylon |
| 586–538 | Judah’s exile in Babylon |
| 561 | Release of King Jehoiachin from prison in Babylon |
| 539 | Cyrus II of Persia captures Babylon |
| 538 | First return of Jews to Jerusalem under Jeshua and Zerubbabel |
| 516 | Temple rebuilding completed |
| 478 | Esther and Mordecai rise in the Persian court |
| 458 | Ezra’s return to Jerusalem from Babylon |
| 445 | Nehemiah’s return to Jerusalem from Babylon |
| 445–??? | Walls of Jerusalem rebuilt |
| 433 | Nehemiah’s visit to Babylon and return to Jerusalem |