|References|The Prayers of Jesus|
|3:21|Jesus is praying as the heavens are opened at his baptism|
|5:16|Jesus would often withdraw to desolate places and pray|
|6:12|Jesus goes to the mountain to pray and continues all night in prayer before he chooses the Twelve|
|9:18|Jesus is praying alone before asking who the crowds say he is|
|9:28–36|Jesus goes with Peter, James, and John up on the mountain to pray and is transfigured|
|10:21–22|Jesus prays to thank God the Father in the Holy Spirit for concealing and revealing|
|11:1–4|Jesus is praying and then teaches his disciples to pray|
|22:17, 19|Jesus prays to give thanks to God for the cup and for the bread|
|22:32|Jesus tells Peter that he has prayed that Peter’s faith may not fail|
|22:41|Jesus prays about “the cup”|
|22:44|Jesus prays more earnestly|
|References|Jesus’ Teachings on Prayer and Exhortations to Pray|
|6:28|Jesus teaches people to pray for those who abuse them|
|10:2|Jesus teaches people to pray earnestly for the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers|
|11:5–13|Jesus teaches the disciples to persist in prayer and assures them the Father will give the Holy Spirit|
|18:1|Jesus tells the parable of the unjust judge to teach his disciples always to pray and not to lose heart|
|18:9–14|Jesus tells the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector, contrasting their prayers|
|19:46|Jesus says that the temple is to be a house of prayer|
|20:47|Jesus warns against the scribes, who make long prayers for show|
|21:36|Jesus warns his disciples to pray for strength to escape the things that will take place at the end and to stand before the Son of Man|
|22:40, 46|Jesus tells his disciples to pray that they may not enter into temptation|