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|1. Those who suffer as Christians will be exalted.|1:6–9; 2:18–25; 3:13–22; 4:12–19|
|2. The church of Jesus Christ is the new temple, the new Israel, the new people of God.|1:1–2; 2:4–10|
|3. Believers should set their hope on their end-time inheritance.|1:3–9, 13–16|
|4. Christ died as a substitute for sinners, and his death is the basis for their new life.|1:17–21; 2:24; 3:13–22|
|5. Christ’s suffering is an example to his disciples.|2:21–23|
|6. At his resurrection, Christ triumphed over his enemies.|3:18–22|
|7. Christians should live righteously in their homes and in society.|2:11–3:7|
|8. New life in Christ is the basis for a life of love and holiness.|1:3; 1:13–2:3|