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|1. God, through his grace in Jesus Christ, has granted to Christians the privilege of partaking of the divine nature.|1:2–4|
|2. God’s grace results in godliness.|1:5–15|
|3. The revelation of truth in Christ (and in Scripture, 1:19) is sure because it is from God and not from man-made myths.|1:16–21|
|4. False teachers are bound over for destruction at the hand of God.|2:1–10|
|5. False teachers are ethically bankrupt.|2:11–22|
|6. Believers must endure in the face of opposition, knowing that they live in the last days.|3:1–13|
|7. The Lord is patient with his creation, but will surely return in judgment like a thief in the night.|3:8–10|
|8. God rescues the righteous.|2:7–9; 3:13–18|