Project Principles

Let's explore our Project Principles together. These guiding principles shape our approach to everything we do, helping us achieve our shared goals. Collaboration and continuous learning are key to unlocking our potential for innovation and achieving groundbreaking solutions. By following these principles, we can grow and make a positive impact. Let's work together and use these principles to turn our dreams into reality.

Kevin Jogin
Members Public

Overcoming Obstacles: Effective Project Management Solutions for Key Challenges

Managing a project can be a daunting task, as there are many challenges that can arise during the project lifecycle. Some of the key challenges that project managers face include managing resources, balancing time and cost constraints, ensuring stakeholder engagement, and maintaining quality standards.  To tackle these challenges, effective project

Kevin Jogin
Members Public

Leading Projects to the Next Level: Directing & Managing Project Execution

During the third phase of the project, which is the execution phase, the project manager is responsible for directing and managing the project execution. This phase involves carrying out all the activities and tasks as outlined in the Project Management Plan. The purpose of this phase is to execute project

Kevin Jogin
Members Public

Learning from the Past: How Post-Project Reviews Can Help You Succeed in the Future/

Post-project reviews are an important learning mechanism that is often underestimated. By sharing insights and lessons learned, they can help organizations improve their processes and outcomes. They show effective dissemination of knowledge, correct errors, and predict outcomes of projects.

Kevin Jogin
Members Public

A New Beginning: Project Finalisation and Transition

One of the most critical phases in project management is Project Finalisation, and it is the responsibility of the project manager to ensure that all activities are completed before closing the project. This stage involves several crucial activities, including checking and confirming that all work is complete, completing the project

Kevin Jogin
Members Public

The Quest for Project Success: A Journey to Achieve the Extraordinary

The concept of project success is a subjective term, as it can be perceived in various ways. A project could be considered as a political success, despite being a physical failure, as exemplified by the Aswan Dam. Therefore, the success of a project depends on the perspective from which it

Kevin Jogin
Members Public

Toast to Success: Closing Project Procurements with Perfection

Managing procurement effectively is a critical part of project management. When a project involves procurement, it is essential to ensure that each individual procurement has a proper closing process in place. The purpose of the closing process is to verify that all work and deliverables have been completed in accordance

Kevin Jogin
Members Public

The Project Manager's Secret Weapon

To achieve project success, project managers must continuously improve by assessing outcomes and procedures through metrics, stakeholder input, and post-project evaluations. This optimizes their chances of success in the future.

Kevin Jogin
Members Public

How to Reduce Project Cycle Time and Save Money

Let's see an interesting and informative look at the challenges of project management. It highlights the fact that even large and well-funded projects can often go wrong, and it identifies some of the reasons why this happens.

Kevin Jogin
Members Public

The Magic of Project Scope Management

Implementing project initiation, scope planning, definition, verification, and change control measures, project outcomes are guaranteed to be successful. The key to delivering successful outcomes is incomparable expertise in managing project scope.

Kevin Jogin
Members Public

The Power of Project Integration

Project integration is the process of coordinating the different elements of a project to ensure that they work together seamlessly. It is a critical part of project management, as it helps to ensure that the project stays on track and meets its goals.

Kevin Jogin
Members Public

Total Cost Management: The Secret to Profitable Projects

In today's competitive business environment, companies are under pressure to improve profitability. Effective project management can help companies to select the right projects, execute them efficiently, and avoid cost overruns.

Kevin Jogin
Members Public

Building Strong Relationships with Project Stakeholders

Effectively managing project stakeholders is essential for the success of any project. By understanding the needs and expectations of stakeholders, project managers can build relationships and create a collaborative environment that will help the project succeed.